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How to Apply
Sports and Exercise Medicine Lab.
Graduate Students (M.S., Ph.D.)
For those who are interested in the M.S. and Ph.D. program, please contact Dr. Junghoon Kim, the director of SEM Lab, prior to application to the department.
All the accepted M.S. and Ph.D. students will be financially supported (e.g., tuition, stipend, etc.) from both/either KMOU and/or SEM Lab.
Post-doctoral Fellow and Research Staff
SEM Lab may or may not have open positions for post-doctoral fellow and/or research staff. This opportunity is dependent not only on the financial situation of the laboratory but also on the research achievement of the applicants.
For the detailed information about the post-doctoral fellow or research staff, please contact Dr. Junghoon Kim with the following materials.
- CV
- Statement of Research
- List of Publication
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